
Monday, September 05, 2005

Ranting and Raving

Being that I am a retiree, I should think twice before ranting and raving about "what should be" when it involves worldly events. I keep telling myself that my "tour" is over and it is for others, the new generation, to carry on.

I should concentrate on caring for my dog Sassy, five years old and recently diagonsed with lymphoma and cancer, a death sentence. You think, here is a guy who is concerned about a dog when thousands of people are dying or are dead as a result of a disaster along the Gulf of Mexico!

I care, yes, I could volunteer with some agency and go there to "make a difference" or donate more money, sure! There are many ways to address "doing something". But meantime at home, in my house, my dog has cancer and I have a mini tragedy at home.

I watch the news everyday. I stopped watching the Main Stream Media (CNN, CBS, etc.) since anti-Bush slanted information and questions aren't "news". My opinion is that the liberal news media's attacks on the administration reduce the ability of the administration to respond quickly. The administration has to weigh its options before committing a response to avoid a negative reaction from the MSM, consequently, people die or go wanting longer. I just want "news" reported. Videos are nice too!

There, I began ranting again! While on the rant subject, I might add that the high cost of fuel is limiting my ability to do what I planned for retirement. I cancelled several photography trips due to the cost of gas. I wanted to photograph the Pinnicles National Monument in central California and also visit Bodie State Park near Mono Lake, California. Both interesting photo subjects. Maybe later this year.

I still plan to wander around photographing nature and landscapes. My old 1994 Dodge van still runs well (I am worried about the front wheel bearings, though) and is perfect for wandering around the West, that is if the price of gas drops a bit.


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