
Saturday, May 21, 2005

Life and Death and Another Day in Paradise

Weather projections call for temperatures as high as 93 degrees F today or 84 degrees. Regardless, it is supposed to be warm, if not hot. Earthquake weather! (A bad thing to say in California)

Meanwhile, my sister-in-law who was hit by a uninsured car driven by an out of town visitor in Hawaii three months ago, hovers at death's door. She was walking in a marked crosswalk when the driver, unfamiliar with the area slammed into her while moving at speeds above the speed limit. Experiencing multiple injuries from broken legs, hips, ribs and arm, along with a fractured spine and skull, she never regained much consciousness in the past three months and is now experiencing multiple organ failure along with a lung infection from being bedridden for so long.

She is dying. Her only fault was that she did not drive so she used the excellent public transportation system that the City and County of Honolulu provides. The problem with public transportation (buses) is that you sometimes need to cross the street to catch a bus. Crosswalks aren't armored safety zones that a pedestrian may rely on to protect them from the wayward or inattentive driver, as my sister-in-law found out. Often there are inattentive pedestrians interacting with inattentive drivers, since I know most people will not knowlingly walk in front of a moving car nor will a driver deliberately mow down a pedestrian in a crosswalk.

This was an accident. Mostly likely the converging of two inattentive persons with horrible results.

Outside my window it is a beautiful day as only sunny California can be. Almost like Hawaii, blue skies, white puffy clouds, and the sounds of birds and unending distant traffic. It is sad to realize that a few seconds of inattention three months ago is causing a human being to lose her life. I think when it is my time to die, it will be a beautiful day in sunny California, and in Hawaii, surfers will be heading out for the beaches and life will go on without noticing the ebbing spark of one human life. Like today.


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