
Monday, May 30, 2005

May 31, 2005 Memorial Day

Today is a holiday honoring those who gave their lives in defense of the United States. Today is also a day of rememberence. I can't visit the graves of my parents today since the site is 2500 miles away. Clayton Yanagisako, a cousin of mine, who was close to my parents and shared my Mom's love of plants and flowers, emailed me that he would bring flowers to my parent's grave today. Thoughtful.

Some people think that once a person passes away they are gone and tears and money shouldn't be spent over them. Others pay their respect to those that have passed and remember them. I should think that a memorial service is that last public gesture of respect by the living to the departed. After the service, private and personal gestures of respect are maintained by loved ones and those to whom the departed had meaning.

It is appropriate that the government established this one day to honor not only those who defended this country, but for all that have died.

I put the United States Flag on its bracket outside the house this morning. As I looked around the street, there were a few flags about, much less than during the 4th of July.

As a veteran I wanted to show that I had respect to those that died serving our country and I honor their memory.


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